Monday, December 14, 2009

hAlLeS fIRst MoVIe.....

Halle at her first movie "The Princess amd the Frog"

Halle went to her first movie last week. Disneys "The Princess and the Frog" She did pretty good, there was some parts that were kinda scary and she just pur her blanket over her eyes and then she was fine. She was dancing in her seat to the music and loves laughing at the frogs.

I cant believe I have a little girl that is old enought to go to a movie!! It is fun and she is getting so big. The movie was really good, not my favorite Disney movie (which is still Beauty and the Beast)

Our next movie we are looking forward to is the new "Toy Story"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

mY sAnTa bAbIEs...

Halle and Kam Kam with Santa 2009

Halle and Kam went and saw Santa last week and they both did amazing! I tried to prep Halle about what would happen a couple days beforehand but she was still pretty nervous, as you can tell from her expression, Kam couldnt care less about him. Halle asked for a dollhouse and even gave santa a hug and kiss.

I love my girls so much!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

hAlLe'S DaNCe rEcItaL

Halle had her first dance recital and she did amazing!! I was so nervous because she does still get shy in class and will come sit on my lap but from the minute we walked in she was ready to dance in front of everyone... My baby is all about the attention. She really had a good time and was so happy to dance with Papa at the end.. We got it on video and she loves watching herself dance.
I am so happy that I have her in dance, its something she looks forward to everyweek and she gets to be around other girls her age and just be a girly girl!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I aM tHanKfuL....

I have so much to be thankful for.....

My hubble bubble
I am so blessed to have a husban that knows me inside and out and can make me feel so special and amazing. He knows how to make me laugh and feel better instantly. He is an amazing daddy and provider and is so motivated and hard working.
My Halle Bug
She is my first born, my princess, my little mommy. She is so incredibly like her dad its ridiculous. She knows how to push my buttons and make me laugh. She is an amazing big sister and would do anything to make Kam Kam happy. She is a girly girl and loves to be my little shadow.
My lil Kam Kam
She is my miracle, my little stinker that can make my heart melt instantly, she is a mama's girl and will let everyone know it. She is a very serious baby but will laugh and give the biggest grins to those she loves. Every morning I get up to her she gives me the biggest smile and likes to talk to me about her night. She loves her sister and likes to watch her run around and play just waiting for the day that she can join her. She is love.
My Parents
I am so lucky to have these to people as my parents. I have put them through so much and they actually still love me for some reason and will support me in everything I do even if they know I am making a mistake. They let me learn from my failures and help me pick myself back up and put me back on the right path. They are amaing grandparents and Halle is so in love with her Papa, she is attached to him and loves him so much. Kamryn is in love with her nana and loves just being snuggled. She has a special gift in getting Kam Kam to fall asleep in her arms.
My In Laws
I am so blessed to have these people in my life. They are my second parents and havve always been there for me through all kevin and I have been through. They are wonderful grandparents and my girls love going to Nana's house. I admire their strong beliefs and spirituality. They are very faith driven and I love the example they set.
Being a stay at home Mama
I dont know where to start, staying home with my girls is the biggest blessing and I know that it has already been so amazing for my girls, Halle is so much better behaved and Kamryn just loves being with mommy. I love waking up with them everyday and putting them to sleep everynight. I love to see the changes they go through and helping them learn. I LOVE being a mom. I am so thankful for my husband in working so hard to give me the opportunity to stay home.
I have so much I am blessed with and so many people I am thankful for that I can not even begin to name everyone but you know who you are and I love all of my family and friends.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tRiCk oR TreAt

My lil Queen Bee
Every year just gets better and better on Halloween, Halle is getting the concept and was so excited about trick or treating, in fact the whole week before we had Max and Ruby's Halloween on continuous play. I overheard Halle in the bath about 2 days before practicing saying trick or treat while playing with her My Little Ponies.
It was nice weather but we did not get out trick or treating till it was almost dark and it got very very cold. Halle made it about half way around the block and was over it.
Halle: "Mama, I cold, Nana's house" Me: "You don't want to get more candy?" Halle "No, mama, I cold, Nana's house"
My flower and bumblebee
So we headed back to Nana's house and Halle got to play with her cousins (she is so in love with her cousin "Kennal" (Kendall), and had a good time being a mommy to her all night long.
Kamryn had a good time too, she was exhausted and went to sleep on Nana's bed after we got back.
The best part was getting them home and putting them both straight in their beds. Ahhh...
Dear Halloween,
you are my favorite holiday and you didn't let me down.
Can't wait for next year.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

a LiTtlE tAsTe oF tHe gIRlS pICs...

My Little Mess and her Crazy Hair!!
Sister Love
Halle and Bubba
Such Happy Girls!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

dO yOu eVeR hAvE tHoSe DayS???

I was having one of those days the other day where you feel like you are just not a good mama, no matter what you do your child cries and won't do what you say. They throw tantrums in the middle of stores and everyone looks at you like you are the worst person ever. When you feel like no matter how much you try you just can't get on top of things, too much laundry, dishes, bottles. But where do you draw the line and say "Ok I will leave it and play with my kids" I can't seem to find that balance between home, work, being a wife, being mother, being a homemaker. I feel like if I am strong and productive at work that my husband, kids, and house suffer, and if I am strong and productive at home than my work and career suffer. I hate mornings, having to leave my kids to come to work is like ripping my heart out, I hate when I come home and Halle would rather have Nana hold her then Mommy. I hate that I am missing out on so much of there lives and milestones. I have to sneak out of the house in the morning usually before Halle wakes up or else she runs after me and cries that she wants to come and says "No mama, no work peees" Most mornings I am fighting back the tears when I drop them off or leave my house because I just want to be a mommy and be home.
But I also feel guilty cause I sometimes need to get away and just be with Kevin or by myself. I just wish I could find a balance.
Don't get me wrong, I am so blessed that I do not have to bring my girls to daycare, that they get to stay with their grandma's that love them so much and that I trust to teach them and love them when I am not there. But jealousy kicks in and I get so envious of the things they get to experience with MY little girls. I can not believe how much they change everyday and I just count down the hours at work till I get to see their cute smiles and hear "Mommy's home!!" when I walk in the door.
I gotta just know that God has a plan for me and my family and right now I am doing what needs to be done at this point in my life.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

dAy aT tHe PaRK.....

Kevin and I were driving around a couple weeks ago trying to find somewhere to take the girls to play, well we stumbled on this park in Riverton called Old Farm Park and Halle loved it, her and Daddy played while Kam and Mama watched. It is so amazing to look at these two little girls and think that they are mine, I am not always the most patient or the best mommy in the world but these lil stinkers make me feel so loves and needed. I am so blessed with a husband who is the best daddy, he would do anything to just see his princesses smile. I don't know how I got so lucky but I am.


Miss Kamryn LOVES her food......
I LOVE this lil girl to the moon and back, she is the best baby.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

sErIoUslY....wHeRe Did mY tINy bAbY gO?

Halle and Bubba
Our Kam Kam is trying to grow up WAY too fast!! I brought her into the doctor on Thursday and our little chunk has gained another pound and 6 ounces, she is up to 13lbs 7oz!! I brought her to the doctor because I thought she was sick with an ear infection because she has been weird about taking her bottle. Well her ears are fine but apparantly she is teething!! That didn't even register to me because Halle didn't till she was like 10 months, I have come to realize that the only thing that Halle and Kamryn have in common is that they have the same parents. They are so complete opposites, Halle always hated solids and Kamryn absolutley loves them and is not even interested her bottles, she wants the real stuff. Kam Kam sleeps through the nights and rarely cries, Halle liked to stay up and crying was just what she did. I just love having our two girls who are both so different but so amazing. I totally feel like Halle is Kevin in her personality and traits, and Kamryn is so me.
Halle is doing so good in her dance class, she does all the dances EXCEPT the cheerleader, she won't put on the costume or take the pom pom's. So Weird
Kamryn is cooing and smiles ALL the time, she is a mama's girl.
I am planning on taking the girls up the canyon to take the pics and I also wanna go to the pumpkin patch so I will post all about that next week.

Monday, September 28, 2009

hAs AnyOnE sEeN hAlLE?

mAn I HaTE wHeN i LoSE hEr!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

mMMmmm sOLidS!!

I decided that because my little Kam Kam is such an oinker that we may want to try giving her some solids. Well the oatmeal did not go over well but the rice cereal was a hit, and the best thing about solids?? Miss Kam slept from 8pm-5am!! Yay baby girl!! :D It is so cute to watch her figure it out. She is such an amazing little princess.
On another note Halle has decided that it is time for winter.....

Well, I guess we just need some snow :D <3

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 mOnTH sTAtS

Miss Kamryn Jade went to her four month well child check and is doing AMAZING!! Dr Hornyick (who is the the best pediatrician EVER) was shocked that she is actually on the growth charts, ( I am not as shocked due to the amount of formula she drinks!) She is 12lbs 1oz and is 25% for weight and height, and of course her head is in the 75%. My poor lollipop kids with their huge noggins, that is definitly a trait from their daddy. My baby girl got 3 shots and that is seriously the most sad thing EVER!!

Halle needed her flu shot too and I always dread shots for Halle, but the nurse came in and asked if we would like to do the flu mist for her instead of the shot! UH YA!! And it was so great, just some stuff up the nose and a happy girl!!
Halle is doing so great in her dance class, she gets so excited to get dressed in her dance clothes and loves going, she is the youngest in the class but she is picking up on things so well!! She is such a girly girl and loves her dress up clothes and princess dresses.
Halle's new thing is saying "Oh, I love it" So if I give her anything, she'll take it look at it and go "OH! I love it!" I have so much fun with her, talking to her, playing with her. She is my little sidekick and best friend.
Kamryn has also started to do a little giggle and coo at me, I LOVE it, she looks just like Halle sis at that age and loves just watching Halle run around.
I also thought we would try the bumbo chair with Kam, she loves it and hates it, she likes being up and seeing everything but her big head is hard for her to support for a long time so she gets tired and wants to get out. But I stillt hink it is the best invention EVER!! She is also pretty much sleeping through the night, she only wakes up once and eats and goes back down. Such a good baby.
Also we are finally decorating Kamryn's room, we decided to go with polka dots and I am so in love with it!!
Well that's my update for now, I need to keep up on this!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


My little Smush is Potty Trained!!
Thanks to the moms she is telling us when she needs to go and has been accident free. One less bottom I have to change! HIP HIP HOORAY!!

i aM hEaD OveR hILlS....

I am in Love, head over heels, pinch me, Love struck, IN LOVE with this one.
(Please stop me from eating her.....................)

Monday, August 31, 2009

lItTlE mIsS tHiNG....

My little miss Kam, got her ears pierced on Friday, and she looks so precious!! I was a little nervous on how she would be but she only cried for about 30 seconds and then fell asleep and they have not bothered her since then! She is such a good baby, even when her mommy tortures her. I have only been able to get one picture but take my word that I have no regrets and I think she looks so sweet!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

a nOte tO mY cRAzY...

oh my love,
I don't know how you can make me so angry and happy at the same time,
I don't know how you have everyone you know wrapped around your little finger,
I don't know how everytime we go to the store you wind up with a new toy, even though Mama said "No toys if you are not good" Well you were not good and somehow you still have the toy
I don't know how just by talking to your lil sister you can make her stop crying instantly and put a huge smile on her face.
I don't know how everynight you talk me into just one morw episode of Dora and one more cup of juice
I don't know how you make me laugh so hard that I am crying just by saying two words.
I don't know how you know how you got so organized and such a clean freak
But most of all....
I don't know what I did to deserve such a perfect little girl who loves me so much!
don't stop being you EVER!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

i Am bACk....

It has been the craziest couple of months. So I will get right to it..
Halle: Is talking like crazy! She still LOVES Dora and loves helping with her little sister. She is miss independent and everything is "I do it, mama" Unless it has something to do with finding her Bink (binky) or Pink (her blankie). ME: "Halle go get Pink and Bink so we can go." HALLE: "NO, Mama find it" ME: "No, Halle find it or we'll leave it here" HALLE: "NOOOOOO!! Mama find Bink an Pink". Of course by the end I end up finding it cause I know what will happen if we leave without it. This also happens with her juice and asking her to get a diaper.
Halle has also been trying everything imaginable to avoid going to bed, ME: "K Halle time for nigh night" HALLE: "No Pees (Please) Dora, Couch, juice?" ME: "No Halle its time for bed" HALLE: "Max, Ruey (Ruby), couch? Mama Sit?" So then I will finally get her in her room and sometimes I will rock her and snuggle and then she says "Ouch, belly hurt, couch?" Seriously she is so sweet and I love that she is getting so smart.
Halle also started dance class on tuesday and LOVES it, she was a little shy at first but by the end she was having so much fun. I am so lucky to have such an interesting little stinker!
Kamryn: She is my little angel, she is such a good baby, she rarely cries (probably cause her sister does most of that for the whole house), she is sleeping through the night, she eats non stop and is putting on weight like crazy! She does has acid reflux but it is getting much better and she is smiling and cooing now and she loves being in her swing and just staring at Halle. I love her to death and I am so blessed.
Oskar: Normally I am not someone who blogs about their dog but this has to be written down. To start I have to tell you that Oskar is a disposal he can eat ANYTHING and be fine, with the exception of changing his dog food, don't change that or he'll get sick, but here is a list of things he has consumed in the past 6 years and been absolutley fine. Cigarettes, whole bag of marshmallows, bird seed, chocolate bar. 2 bottles of mylicon, and multiple bottles of my lotion. Well the most recent thing he decided would be tasty would be a tube of desitin, I was so mad, he threw up EVERYWHERE!! I don't knwo how this dog is still alive!
Big Mama: I have had a hard couple of months. Everything seems to be looking up though. I am almost healed from my surgery and both my kids are finally on the same schedule.

Friday, July 17, 2009

kAmRyN'S 2 mOnTH sTAts..

Our little early bird is doing so well, at her 2 month Well Child Check she weighed 7lbs 14oz and is 20.5in long!! So amazing because she was born at 4lbs 4oz and was 16in long!! She is doing so well and last night she only woke up once!! I don't know how I got so lucky to have this amazing lil poptart but I do love her so so much!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

hAlLe'S 2nD bIrTHdAy pIcTuReS...

Halle turned two right after our little Kamryn got out of the NICU, We couldn't have alot of people over due to Kamryn being so susceptible to any illness. But we tried to make it as special as we could. We started out the day by decorating her door, like last year, and giving her her favorite breakfast, donuts. She was so excited when we walked in her room and shouted Happy Birthday!! She saw her door and said "Oh Wow" The day was spent just giving Halle our undivided attention, That evening the grandparents came over and had some cake and opened presents. I had wanted to do something more for her birthday but there was so much going on that I just didn't have time, I am sure that she enjoyed it and I hope she knows how much we love her.