Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

YAY!!! Three day weekend!! I am excited for the next three days off, Just sometime to hopefully clean my house hang out with the family and relax for a second!
Last night we took Halle to South Towne Mall and went on the carousel! She just loves that so much, she was waving to everybody and saying "gi up, gi up" What cute little snot! But then I had to take her off, we had a screaming tantrum all through the mall on the way out! If anyone knows what to do about these dang tantrums she's been having I would welcome the advice, she has at the least 5 big tantrums a day and 10 small ones. I am at my wits end!! She goes full on and kicks and screams and crys, I usually ignore it but she gets louder and I have the hardest time looking at her teary eyes and her saying "MAMA" and not picking her up. So I end up doing the bad thing and picking her up. I know I need to stop doing that but I feel like I have so little time to spend with her that when I am home I want to snuggle her cute booty!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keep on Keepin on!

So after the death hike I decided that I was extremely out of shape (DUH) So i decided I really need to get out more and work out more. So every night my amazing parents go for like a 3 mile walk, and it's a beautiful walk. The last part of the walk is pretty brutal though because of this huge hill!! ( I call it the amazing butt shrinking hill, because my pants always fit better after i've walked it!) So half way through the walk we let Halle out of her stroller and let her walk a little, which she LOVED, but when I put her back in her stroller she was so mad! So I gave her a rock and she sat there and played with it and sucked on it, yes my child eats rocks the short bus is getting ready for her!! It felt really good to workout and I am going to try and keep it up! Halle also really enjoyed feeding Toby and Abby her Trix, she loves my parents dogs so much and she loved the walk! I will let everyone know if I keep doing it!!
I also want to tell my handsome hubby HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! We have been together for 9 years today and even though we have had our ups and downs it has made us such an amazing team and best friends. I love him so much and I know he is my soulmate. He always knows how to make me happy and to make me feel good about myself. I am so lucky to have a husband who is always putting his family first, he is the best daddy to our little princess. I love you sweetie an d I can not wait to spend the rest of our lives and after with you!!! MUAH!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pictures of the death hike...

Monday, August 25, 2008

So I almost died......

Well not really but I certainly felt like it yesterday and even more today. Now the story of my "fun weekend" Lets start off with friday, I went with Mindy to go get Jaydn and and let Halle and her swim at my sister in laws house. Well while I was loading my totally emotional daughter into the car I set my cell phone on the roof of the car while I put everything in. Well without a thought I jumped in my car and we were off for some swimmin. We got there and Halle WOULD NOT swim and was being so sad and cranky, so we decided to leave and go tp my parents for the goodbye barbeque for my brro. Well when I got in the car at my sister in laws I was looking everywhere for my phone and we couldn't find it anywhere so we decided to go back to my house and look for it. On the way back I realized what had happened. Mindy had heard a sound as we turned outta my street when we left but I just blew it off and said it was something in my trunk, oh no it was my cell ohone. Well by the time we got back to my street it was laying there in a bout 7 pieces and I was freaking out cause I didn't want to tall Kev (Not that he would be mean, I just know I wouldn't live it down) So sweet Mindy was trying to put it back together but there was no hope!!! IT SUCKED and yes I told kev and I don't think he will ever be done telling people about it and making fun of me!! Saturday we went to the car show and that was fun and everybody and everything made it in one piece, and then Sunday comes..... It all started with Christie saying that she wanted to hike timpanogos and me thinking it would be fun, "Halle will love it, it will be fun" OH NONONONO!! First off we get there, it was Kevin, Halle, and me, Mindy, Detrich, Jadyn, Christie, Jerry and Carter, we got up to the booth thing to pay and realized there were no strollers allowed. WHY WHY WHY didn't we turn around at that point? Well we decided that we will just carry Halle up. BAD BAD BAD BAD IDEA!! She is about 25 pounds now and wants to be independent. GRRR I almost DIED on the way up, it was super steep and Halle was heavy and I am very very extremly out of shape. It was the trial of death and I hated every minute of it. So FINALLY, after a lot of breaks and whining on my part, somehow we all got to the top and waited for our tour to start. Well the group we went with was huge and the cave was cold, cramped and pretty freaky and Halle wanted none of it, at this point she was hungry and tired to, she screamed and cried the whole way through, we had no way out and I felt so bad for everyone that had to listen to that. I don't even remeber the cave at all because my whole time I was trying to stop Halle from crying. So finally we get done and then have to head down. Kevin and I bolted for it, I think we took one break and finally made it to the car and home!! I can honestly say that I am never ever ever ever never doing that ever again!!! I am so sore today I am walking like frankenstein and I am in so mcuh pain! See this is why I don't work out!! So that wa my "super fun weekend" Next weekend I am NOT leaving the house!! I will post pics tomorrow!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Time for the Weekend!!!

That's right, she is already playing our DS's. Smart girl!!

YAY it's friday!! I have a busy weekend ahead and I am excited to start it, I have been so swamped at work and I need a break! Tonight is my little brothers going away party, tomorrow we are going to the car show with my dad. And sunday we are going to go up timpanogos with Christie and fam, Mindy and Fam and US!!! How fun!! Halle got to stay up late last night cause christie, jerry, and carter came over. She is such a ham! She loves putting on a show, she was so exhausted when they left, so I fed her a bottle and she went right to bed. Kevin got a drop down DVD player in his Tahoe and Halle loves it. It's so cute when the movie turns on cause she goes "OH WOW!" and then she is totally sucked in. She loves baby einstien and all of a sudden she'll start giggling, she is such a cute stinker. Here are a couple pics of the past couple days! I hope you have a good weekend I should have some cute pics of this weekend to post on monday.
Halle watching baby Einsten in the Tahoe
Halle walking through quilted bear with my ma

Look-A-Like Chart

So I saw this look a like chart on someone's elses blog, I did it and I was very dissapointed, I know it doesn't work!! My daughter is so Kevin's clone!! I can't believe you can't trust something on the internet!! SHOCKING!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Geneology - Family history

Some New Pics

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Halle's Fun in the Rain

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I liked it!!

So I did end up going and getting Breaking Dawn at midnight with all the girls, we had plans to wait at barnes and noble but it got to crowded and crazy so we decided to go over to walmart and check out the line, my wrist band for barnes and noble said that was #526 so we decided to stay at walmart and get it there. It was such a good idea to do that, walmart was way organized and we were out with books in hand by 1215! I got home by 130 and went to bed. I woke up the next morning with bug and we played for awhile, then when she went down for her nap I started it. I read off and on saturday and actually finished saturday night. I really really liked it alot. I think it is a really good example of a mothers bond to her child. I LOVED IT!!! Let me know what you think of it tooO!!! Halle finally got to go swimming in her pool and had a blast! She loves the water and was a cute little splasher. She has done an excellent job of transitioning into our new house and has been sleeping amazingly (knock on wood) Here's a couple pics....:)