Monday, September 28, 2009

hAs AnyOnE sEeN hAlLE?

mAn I HaTE wHeN i LoSE hEr!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

mMMmmm sOLidS!!

I decided that because my little Kam Kam is such an oinker that we may want to try giving her some solids. Well the oatmeal did not go over well but the rice cereal was a hit, and the best thing about solids?? Miss Kam slept from 8pm-5am!! Yay baby girl!! :D It is so cute to watch her figure it out. She is such an amazing little princess.
On another note Halle has decided that it is time for winter.....

Well, I guess we just need some snow :D <3

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 mOnTH sTAtS

Miss Kamryn Jade went to her four month well child check and is doing AMAZING!! Dr Hornyick (who is the the best pediatrician EVER) was shocked that she is actually on the growth charts, ( I am not as shocked due to the amount of formula she drinks!) She is 12lbs 1oz and is 25% for weight and height, and of course her head is in the 75%. My poor lollipop kids with their huge noggins, that is definitly a trait from their daddy. My baby girl got 3 shots and that is seriously the most sad thing EVER!!

Halle needed her flu shot too and I always dread shots for Halle, but the nurse came in and asked if we would like to do the flu mist for her instead of the shot! UH YA!! And it was so great, just some stuff up the nose and a happy girl!!
Halle is doing so great in her dance class, she gets so excited to get dressed in her dance clothes and loves going, she is the youngest in the class but she is picking up on things so well!! She is such a girly girl and loves her dress up clothes and princess dresses.
Halle's new thing is saying "Oh, I love it" So if I give her anything, she'll take it look at it and go "OH! I love it!" I have so much fun with her, talking to her, playing with her. She is my little sidekick and best friend.
Kamryn has also started to do a little giggle and coo at me, I LOVE it, she looks just like Halle sis at that age and loves just watching Halle run around.
I also thought we would try the bumbo chair with Kam, she loves it and hates it, she likes being up and seeing everything but her big head is hard for her to support for a long time so she gets tired and wants to get out. But I stillt hink it is the best invention EVER!! She is also pretty much sleeping through the night, she only wakes up once and eats and goes back down. Such a good baby.
Also we are finally decorating Kamryn's room, we decided to go with polka dots and I am so in love with it!!
Well that's my update for now, I need to keep up on this!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


My little Smush is Potty Trained!!
Thanks to the moms she is telling us when she needs to go and has been accident free. One less bottom I have to change! HIP HIP HOORAY!!

i aM hEaD OveR hILlS....

I am in Love, head over heels, pinch me, Love struck, IN LOVE with this one.
(Please stop me from eating her.....................)