Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

YAY!!! Three day weekend!! I am excited for the next three days off, Just sometime to hopefully clean my house hang out with the family and relax for a second!
Last night we took Halle to South Towne Mall and went on the carousel! She just loves that so much, she was waving to everybody and saying "gi up, gi up" What cute little snot! But then I had to take her off, we had a screaming tantrum all through the mall on the way out! If anyone knows what to do about these dang tantrums she's been having I would welcome the advice, she has at the least 5 big tantrums a day and 10 small ones. I am at my wits end!! She goes full on and kicks and screams and crys, I usually ignore it but she gets louder and I have the hardest time looking at her teary eyes and her saying "MAMA" and not picking her up. So I end up doing the bad thing and picking her up. I know I need to stop doing that but I feel like I have so little time to spend with her that when I am home I want to snuggle her cute booty!!


Erin Bradley said...

Thanks for saying Hi. I'm with you on the long weekends. They are the BEST:) You have an adorable family!