Thursday, August 27, 2009

i Am bACk....

It has been the craziest couple of months. So I will get right to it..
Halle: Is talking like crazy! She still LOVES Dora and loves helping with her little sister. She is miss independent and everything is "I do it, mama" Unless it has something to do with finding her Bink (binky) or Pink (her blankie). ME: "Halle go get Pink and Bink so we can go." HALLE: "NO, Mama find it" ME: "No, Halle find it or we'll leave it here" HALLE: "NOOOOOO!! Mama find Bink an Pink". Of course by the end I end up finding it cause I know what will happen if we leave without it. This also happens with her juice and asking her to get a diaper.
Halle has also been trying everything imaginable to avoid going to bed, ME: "K Halle time for nigh night" HALLE: "No Pees (Please) Dora, Couch, juice?" ME: "No Halle its time for bed" HALLE: "Max, Ruey (Ruby), couch? Mama Sit?" So then I will finally get her in her room and sometimes I will rock her and snuggle and then she says "Ouch, belly hurt, couch?" Seriously she is so sweet and I love that she is getting so smart.
Halle also started dance class on tuesday and LOVES it, she was a little shy at first but by the end she was having so much fun. I am so lucky to have such an interesting little stinker!
Kamryn: She is my little angel, she is such a good baby, she rarely cries (probably cause her sister does most of that for the whole house), she is sleeping through the night, she eats non stop and is putting on weight like crazy! She does has acid reflux but it is getting much better and she is smiling and cooing now and she loves being in her swing and just staring at Halle. I love her to death and I am so blessed.
Oskar: Normally I am not someone who blogs about their dog but this has to be written down. To start I have to tell you that Oskar is a disposal he can eat ANYTHING and be fine, with the exception of changing his dog food, don't change that or he'll get sick, but here is a list of things he has consumed in the past 6 years and been absolutley fine. Cigarettes, whole bag of marshmallows, bird seed, chocolate bar. 2 bottles of mylicon, and multiple bottles of my lotion. Well the most recent thing he decided would be tasty would be a tube of desitin, I was so mad, he threw up EVERYWHERE!! I don't knwo how this dog is still alive!
Big Mama: I have had a hard couple of months. Everything seems to be looking up though. I am almost healed from my surgery and both my kids are finally on the same schedule.


*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Yea for kids sleeping!!!! i am glad you are doing well and things are looking up. Yes definitely should make a play date sometime. Poor Andrew is home all the time because its not such a wonderful thing to take two kids out by yourself. :)

The Brady Bunch said...

Your girls are dollys!

Jaime Stephens said...

I loved all the updates your girls are so cute! I love kids they are crack ups.. I totally here you on how they make you so mad and so happy at the same time.. It is so true. I want to hear more about that dance class it looks like so much fun!