Thursday, October 1, 2009

sErIoUslY....wHeRe Did mY tINy bAbY gO?

Halle and Bubba
Our Kam Kam is trying to grow up WAY too fast!! I brought her into the doctor on Thursday and our little chunk has gained another pound and 6 ounces, she is up to 13lbs 7oz!! I brought her to the doctor because I thought she was sick with an ear infection because she has been weird about taking her bottle. Well her ears are fine but apparantly she is teething!! That didn't even register to me because Halle didn't till she was like 10 months, I have come to realize that the only thing that Halle and Kamryn have in common is that they have the same parents. They are so complete opposites, Halle always hated solids and Kamryn absolutley loves them and is not even interested her bottles, she wants the real stuff. Kam Kam sleeps through the nights and rarely cries, Halle liked to stay up and crying was just what she did. I just love having our two girls who are both so different but so amazing. I totally feel like Halle is Kevin in her personality and traits, and Kamryn is so me.
Halle is doing so good in her dance class, she does all the dances EXCEPT the cheerleader, she won't put on the costume or take the pom pom's. So Weird
Kamryn is cooing and smiles ALL the time, she is a mama's girl.
I am planning on taking the girls up the canyon to take the pics and I also wanna go to the pumpkin patch so I will post all about that next week.


Cheney's said...

Your girls are so cute! They sound exactly like my girls. Audree is my DRAMA QUEEN and Kiley is so mellow that sometimes I forget I have a second Daughter (not really). They are very different.