Ok so I need some advice, I am not sure if Halle is teething and thats why she is actin like a spoiled princess or if she is just being a butt nuggett!! She threw so many tantrums today and wouldn't let anybody hold her. Not even her dad. If anybody did take her from me she turned into psycho child!! WHAT DO I DO?? I don't want her to act like a brat but I also don't know if anything is wrong. Man being a parent is so hard!! Anyways I am so happy I can finally put Halle's hair in a little sprout. It looks too cute for words, it also makes her look like a big girl, she's not my itty bitty baby anymore!! She is growing so friggin fast it makes me sad! This weekend went really fast Friday I went to a funeral then just came home and hung out with Halle and Kev. Saturday Halle went up to my mom and dad's to play with them, then today we went and fed the ducks by our apartments, which is so fun and crazy cause they'll come right up and eat from your hand, I wasn't brave enough but Kevin was makin them do tricks!! Then we took Oskar for a walk and came home, then Mindy came over and we met Jadyn and Chelsea (Chelsea is Jadyn's step mom, who is such a cute girl) at the dog park. Halle wouldn't stop crying and throwing a tantrum so we came home and she ate a bottle and she was a little happier so we played and gave Oskar a bath, and then finally she went to bed!! YAY!! She was so tired all day and would not go to sleep so it's relief she finally passed out!! Well that's my weekend sorry i was rambling but hey it's fun! P.S. By the way daylight savings SUCKS!! LOVE YA ALL!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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