Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Love the Weather!!!

So it is so pretty outside and I am stuck in an office working!! GRRR What i wouldn't give to be outside taking a walk with Kev and Halle and Oskar. We have been feeding the ducks by apartment lately and Halle Loves it. SHe waves to the ducks and likes watchin daddy feed thm. Some will even let him pet them and eat right out of his hand. SO COOL! I can not wait till I can take Halle to the zoo!!
So I know I have said this before but Halle is a big time Mama's girl. What can I say I am somethin!!! JK But I really hope it's phase cause sometimes it gets outta hand! Oh well she's a baby she'll learn.
This week we are taking care of my parents dogs while thay are in Orlando!! LUCKY!! So every night we have to go up and let them out to run. Halle loves watching them. It is so flippin cute to see her wave and get excited when they run around. I want her to be an animal person like me and not be scared. It seems to be working so far!!
The funniest thing is when she is watching Oskar fetch in the house, she laughs and laughs. It is too cute!!
We'll I better get back to work so that I can get out into the sun for a minute!!


Lane Family said...

I know how you feel, I wish that I could be home to take Hailee out. I got home today and took her for a walk. I miss seeing Halle!!! I am planning on coming to your party!!!

JackieSue said...

Have I ever told you how I think Halle is a literal CLONE of Kevin!?!?!? It's crazy! Everytime I see pics of her, I see Kevin. Does everyone say that!?!? She's so cute though... bless your heart with the croup situation and her having seperation anxiety from you. I would hate that. Some kids are just like that though, but she may be sick. My nephew does that and always has and he's like 14 months right now. So hopefully it will go away eventually so you don't have problems having a babysitter! ;-) Miss you guys!

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Ah you have a beautiful girl! Arent they so fun? My little one is getting so enjoyable the older he gets. I finally feel like I am hanging out with a person who can communicate with me rather then just a baby! Glad you found my blog. I would love to compare notes anytime!