Saturday, February 23, 2008


So I am sitting here on mycouch waiting for Halle to wake up. Why I am up at 630 in the morning while she is still sleepin is beyond me!!! Oh well might as well be doin somethin! I wanted to put up a couple pics of my best friends little boys on here. But she has only sent me pics of Carson so I will put those up.
ISn't he so flippin cute? I Love her boys so much! I better cause Halle has three to chose from in the future!!
Have a good saturday!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy 5 Years To Us!!

To my Love....

I just want to tell you Kevin how much I love you and even though we have had our ups and downs over the past 5 years I think it has made us stronger and the people we have become! I love you so much sweetheart and I want to thank you so much for all that you have down for me. You have given me an amazing gift of a wonderful little princess that we both love so much! You never stop trying to keep us going everyday, you let me fall into your arms on a bad day and pick me up so I can get hrough the next. I really can not express how much I love and appreciate everything you do. LOVE YOU STINKY PANTS!!!
Here is what Kev got me (he is amazing!)
CUTE HUH!! He is so thoughtful!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Hope everyone had a great weekend! I sure did! I got four full days with my cute little family!! YAY!!! Halle has become a big time mam's girel lately so I she better be good today!!
Lets see what did I do this weekend... We went shopping to get Halle some more onsies since she is growing like a weed and is going through clothes like crazy!!! Saturday I really can not remeber what we did, Sunday we got to have Jadyn come over and run some errands and Halle was just so happy to have her over (Jadyn is her favorite!!) We also went to dinner at Maryanns on sunday!! YUMMY! We played games for a little while but our little princess got tired so we went home. Yesterday we went shopping with my mom and got some so so so so cute stuff for Halle! She got the cutest PJ's. I will make sure to take some pics and post em. I have a couple new ones of Halle I took this weekend! I just am so impressed by how much she is growing and how smart she getting everyday! I love that she is not shy and loves attention! SHe is such a cheeseball and a little drama queen! (My mom says I am getting back what she had with me!) It's funny cause Halle has such split personalities (I guess thats why she is a Gemini!) She is either so so happy and cheesy or such a little devil child, we never really have a happy medium. Silly silly baby.
Also Halle's Hair is at a really awkward stage right now, it's too long to do her classic mohawk and too short to do a little sprout but here is the pic of me trying! SO FUNNY!!
Halle also has some new favorite toys, the plastic spatulas and spoons with the really long handles! So funny to watch her play, she puts one in each hand and trys to bang them together. Usually she is really sucessful at making a lot of noise!
I started my new job today and I am just trying to get things organized for my mom and get things in there right place. Which I actually enjoy, I love organizing and making things look neat and organized!! So I better get back to that! Enjoy the pics!!
We are so lucky to be blessed with such a amazing little angel!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Yay!! It's Valentines Day!!! So My sweet husband got me such an amazing present!! He got me a new purse!! He picked it out on his own and everything!! Here is a picture-
So Cute huh!?
I just want to let Kevin know how much I love him and how glad I am that he is in my life. He is such an amazing dad and husband and I don't know where I would be without him. I Love him so so so much!
So I am trading jobs, it's a good positive change that will hopefully give me more time with my family. I am really excited but sad to leave the place I have been for over a year, I have made so many good friends!
Anyways I start at my new job on Tuesday so i'll let everyone know how it goes!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ah Love day!!!

SO tomorrow is Valentines day, Ah so sweet!! I am way excited to go home tonight cause my sweet husband says he has a present for me!! WHOPEE!! I love presents!! I will let you know tomorrow what I got :)
Halle got her pictures taken on Friday and I got to see two of them (look a little lower on this page and click on the link to aubreys photo and then click to enter site then on her daily blog) I may be biased but my daughter is a little baby model! Aubrey does an amazing job and I am so excited to see the rest of them!!
I am posting a couple pics that kev sent me today, Just to show you what Halle has to go through during the day with her dad!! The first one is when daddy decided it would be fun to stick stickers all over her, and the second one is how he found Halle after he was done gettin ready this morning. Halle is going to be one tough little cookie when she is older!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


So this is my Eleventh straight day of working and I am EXHAUSTED!!! (I know I hear the violins too!) I am so excited cause I have tomorrow off so i'll have a 3 day weekend with my wonderful hubby and my sweet sweet baby!! It's been a crazy, emotional, busy, frustrating week and I am so glad it's coming to an end!! I am also excited that Halle is finally getting her pictures done taken again tomorrow! The girl who does them is amazing and I am so excited to have some updated professional ones!! Now I just gotta go home and decide what she's going to wear!!! Also this weekend I guess I am going to try a pole dancing class with my sisters this Saturday! That will be a site to see!! i can't even imagine, but we'll see! Anyways love you all! Anne

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

So Many Babies......

Halle is so lucky to have a lot of cousins and friends born around the same time as her! Halle was playing at her grandmas house last night with her cousin Takeo! He is getting so big, he was born three months after Halle and is just as big as she is! It's crazy!!
I also posted a couple pictures of my hansome hubber!
I can't believe how many babies there are that have come in our family and that are on the way! lets see there is Alex, one year old, Halle, 8 months, Takeo, 4 months, Carson, 4 months(my BF little boy), Hailee, 5 months, (my friend Jen's little girl), then there is Mindy's little boy(due in july) on the way and Cari's little one (due in september) also! My goodness gracious!! So many cute ones!! Halle is going to have so many friends!!
Here is some cute pics of Takeo and Kevin and Halle.....

Monday, February 4, 2008


So I had a really really long boring weekend! I went to flordia which was nice but I had to sit in meetings all day long! I missed my husband and my Halle so so much I couldn't wait to come home! Plus i HATE flying with a passion, and it was such a long flight.
ANYWAYS.... Halle gets her pics taken on friday and I am so excited!!! I told myself when she was born that I would do her pics every two months!! I totally fell through on that, she is 8 months now and hasn't had any professional taken since she was two months old!!
K well I better get back to work!!
Love you all!

Check out my Slide Show!