Monday, April 13, 2009

HOpPiTy HoP.... hApPy EaSTeR!!!

This easter was so fun!! Halle is getting holidays now and we helped her find her basket, she got new sandals, a swimsuit, sidewalk chalk, an elmo outfit, and lots of candy. She loved her sidewalk chalk and had to put on her swimming suit, she was wearing a onesie, her swimsuit, socks, and her sandals. Oh my little ragamuffin is so special. We went up to Nana's and Papa's for an easter egg hunt and once she got the hang of it she was on a role. She would run and see an egg and say "Pupal (purple) egg!!" "Lellow (yellow) egg!!" it was so flippin cute. I am seriously so lucky to have such a sweet, smart, loving little girl. She is my heart and I think that I am so blessed to have Halle and to have another little stinker on the way.
Hope everyone has a great Easter!!


The Brady Bunch said...

I love her little fingers all stained from the dye! She is so cute!

JackieSue said...

So cute! And so good to hear an update! When are you due again? Soon isn't it?