Friday, April 17, 2009

pOOr sICkY bUm!!

My poor little stinker is sick again!! It started out on easter as a runny nose and I blew it off as allergies, well it progressed and by tuesday she had a cough and there was boogers EVERYWHERE!! Those slimy things are sneaky (sorry for those with weak tummies) you think you got them all then you turn around and they are everywhere again and then you leave the house with a nice swipe of boogies on the shoulder (nothing can bring you sown a peg more than thinkin you are hot stuff in your new shirt, strutting around like you own the place and then someone says "um you have something on your shoulder" AWESOME!!) Well I think we finally got over the worst and she is sleeping good, after the whole bedtime routine which requires a checklist...... 1. Mattress propped up 2. Humidfier refilled with water and vicks 3. Halle taken her vapor bath (by the way, the best stuff ever) 4. Halle covered head to toe in Vicks vapor rub 5. Medicine snuck in her juice and not letting her go to bed till every last drop pf juice is gone 6. Reapply vicks 7. Wipe nose 8. Apply more vicks 9. Rock her to sleep 10. Rerock her to sleep after you stepped on the stupid singing book on the way to her crib 11. Carefully place her in crib and sneak out so quietly just in time to hear the door bell to ring and then the dog starts barking 12. Restart list The thing that is hard when they are sick is that you kinda secretly enjoy it (just a little) I always miss the snuggly baby I had and she turns into my snuggly bunny again and I love me some cuddles from my princess!! Also her little hoarse voice just might be the cutest thing ever, yup, yup, it sure is. I am really trying to take in this time before poptart arrives to enjoy this time with stinker. It's so hard to imagine another one of these cuties taking all my attention away, I am a little nervous and have started nesting like a crazy person. Well hopefully this weekend the fountain of boogers will dry up and we will be able to get out and enjoy the nice weather!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

HOpPiTy HoP.... hApPy EaSTeR!!!

This easter was so fun!! Halle is getting holidays now and we helped her find her basket, she got new sandals, a swimsuit, sidewalk chalk, an elmo outfit, and lots of candy. She loved her sidewalk chalk and had to put on her swimming suit, she was wearing a onesie, her swimsuit, socks, and her sandals. Oh my little ragamuffin is so special. We went up to Nana's and Papa's for an easter egg hunt and once she got the hang of it she was on a role. She would run and see an egg and say "Pupal (purple) egg!!" "Lellow (yellow) egg!!" it was so flippin cute. I am seriously so lucky to have such a sweet, smart, loving little girl. She is my heart and I think that I am so blessed to have Halle and to have another little stinker on the way.
Hope everyone has a great Easter!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

SOmEtiMeS i jUSt NeEd tO cOmPLaIn!!!

So I don't want anyone to misunderstand me or take it the wrong way because I do realize how big of a gift pregnancy is and I am very lucky to experience it and grow a baby inside me.... but on another note, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE shoot me!!
So I know this is annoying but everyone gets to hear my complaints.....
#1-Sleep- I have no idea what that is anymore... if I do happen against all odds to get comfortable and lil poptart isn't kicking, then here come the charlie horses, and these are brutal, Jump out of bed and swear brutal (not to mention I scare the crap out of the dog who goes into attack mode, which is a little funny) My body naturally wants to sleep on my tummy and it's so horrible not being able to do it, I don't how many times at three am that I thought about getting a butcher knife and cutting a hole in mattress to put my belly in!!
#2- Getting up and down- Just imagine a beached whale or a turtle on its shell trying to get up, plus the grunts and moans that help me in the process. It goes like this "oh no, I forgot something (at this time I am sitting on the floor) GRRRR, OHHHH, OWWW, MY BOOTY, OW OW OW, Mother of pearl, OHHHH" and then I am up. It's quite a site!
#3- My back- I am definitly front heavy without a doubt, first there is the twins that I know if they get any bigger I am going to have to get a stainless steel bra to support the girls, My lower back is just a big sore mess, I want to just lay on back but then you have to refer back to point #2 to see my dilemma.
#4- MY FRIGGIN TAILBONE- out of all these things I think my tailbone is the worst, by the end of the day it feels like it is broken and I wanna curl up in a ball, this lil poptart is definitly a pain in butt (ha ha ha that was so cheesy) My belly isn't as big as it was with Halle at this point because she sits super low and in back and I gotta say I think I would prefer the rib kicking opposed to the butt pain!!
I probably could keep going on but I need to go ice my booty.
Thanks for the whining session
p.s yes I know how worth it this lil girl will be, doesn't mean I can't complain!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

WhERe dID tHe LaSt TEn YeARs gO??????

Big girl learning how to ride a scooter
So my niece Jadyn turned ten last friday. What in the pete is going on here!!! I met Kevin when Jadyn was 5 months old. And now she is ten! I ca not believe it, nope I will not believe it. Nope in my head I will remember her a 3 year old. For her birthday we went to classic skating and Halle had a blast, Halle was learning how to ride a scooter and it shocked me to see how fast she picked it up. By the end of the night Halle had reached her end and was completly beside herself and needed a good nights sleep, which I promptly headed home to accomplish!
And now I am forced to look at Halle and wonder where the time has gone? I just remember having her in the hospital and being so overwhelmed as a new mom and now she is so independent and actually a really really good little girl!
I am so ready for spring also, I am so sick of waking up and brushing the snow off my car, of having to coop up my toddler as she is standing at the door all day saying "mama, OWSIDE!!" and I have to explain for the 37,876 time that it is cold and we need to stay inside so we don't get sick and her response (after a very dirty look) is "NONO MAMA, OWSIDE" We have this argument over and over and over and by the end of the day I am ready to throw my sweet little angel in the snow (please don't call child protective services, I have only done this maybe twice ;) Sigh I am just missing the warm sun and being able to head out of the house without gloves, hat, coat, blankets, etc.
Well I am praying for the sun and I hope everyone else will do the same!!