Halle told me “GO AWAY MAMA” the other day, where did she even get that? It was pretty much the saddest thing I ever heard, So I got up to ‘GO AWAY’ and she looked at me and said “I wanna come”
I had put Halle in her chair to eat dinner and I turned on Dora and then I went to give her kisses and she pushed my face away and said "Stop Mama, Stop" I don't know when all of a sudden my baby girl became to good for mama love but I am very sad about it!!
When I went to get Halle out of bed this morning the first thing she said to me was "Mama I wan Cake". I wonder what made her want that? Yummy Dream?
I was leaving Target with the girls and Halle climbs in the car and goes and sits in the seat without a carseat in it. I told her to come and get in her carseat because if we crashed her head would fall off if she wasn't in her carseat. She sits there for a second and then grabs the sides of her head and starts pulling on it and says "Mama, it stuck, help mama, It stuck"
Love this post cause I think it sums up how we all feel! YUCKY SNOW!!
Anne, You are so cute & creative. I love you.
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