Thursday, March 12, 2009

WhERe tO BeGIn.......

Halle hanging out on our porch, eating bread
So I feel like I am in the countdown for poptart to come (in reality I still have a little over three months) but I think my nesting urge is kicking in and I am panicking about everything that I need and need to get ready. I think I am a little nervous too because Halle came a month early and lil poptart has been such a bad girl that I don't know how early she will come. So I feel like I need to have things ready to go just in case.
Kev and I went shopping last saturday and got onesies and some beanies and diapers and binkies and all the little stuff, I put all the stuff in a tote and I didn't realize how much we had bought, but I still feel like I need so much more!! I need a bassinet for my room and some more diapers and lotions and gosh who knows what else.
So of course we had to get Halle stuff too. We got her a princess kitchen and some play food and she is so cute, she will walk up to me and go "num num num" and feed me, and she trys to feed my belly button to feed the baby and it is so cute!! She'll walk around with fake food in her mouth. She also gets so frustrated that the faucet on the kitchen doesn't actually work. Heaven forbid she'll have to use her imagination!
Just relaxing on the bouncy chair at Aunt Mimi's
I am getting a little nervous about having two kids and trying to figure out the best way to transition but I guess it will all work out right?
Halle with her Jadyn!!


The Brady Bunch said...

Don't panic things will work out. Its all about adjusting to the new stuff right? Halle is so cute!!