Monday, March 23, 2009

Sicky, Sicky Pants!!!

I feel so bad when Halle is sick, cause I just want to take it away and make it all better, (that's what a mommy is supposed to do right?) But this dang cold she has is not going away, she has a runny nose and a horrible cough that makes her throw up and I feel so bad for her, it makes it harder cause she passed it on to me. So we were on quarantine yesterday at home and it was a long long long day. Halle woke up coughing like crazy at 4 am and would not go back to sleep even after I gave her medicine. She was so tired and emotional but if I even got near her crib she would cry and then start coughing and then throw up. It was a horrible cycle and finally Kevin came to the rescue and got her to go down around 1100 and she slept till almost two and woke up a whole lot happier. She put on her little nightgown that looks like a princess dress and she looked so cute. The rest of the day went a lot better but I was in a cold haze and exhausted so after she went to bed (thanks to Kev again) I got into a bath and went to sleep. She woke up this morning coughing a lot and I dropped her off at grandmas but I am so tempted to leave work and go get her. i just want to snuggle her.
Halle in her princess dress, playing with her princess kitchen!
Oh Saturday was actually a pretty good day, we went up to my parents and watched them clean out the pond, Halle had to help Papa with the fish and she wanted to touch them all, she is so brave, I hate hate hate fish!! It was a nice warm day and Halle loved playing outside with the "woof woofs" and my nice dad also took us to spaghetti factory which was so so good!!
Halle being such a good mommy to her bunny
(don't mind the hair, it's her mullet)
Hopefully the sickness goes away and we will be happy and healthy again!! (By the way, this snow is the devil, where in the pete did it come from!! I am so mad!! )


Lambeth Family said...

When the coughs are roaring, I like Delsym for kids. Yes, I even give it to babies. Just a little goes a looooong way. They stop and they get their rest!!!:) Hang in there with that winter. Tell Mindy it was 80 last week! Ha!!

The Brady Bunch said...

I HATE THE SNOW TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry you 2 have been sick, I hope you get feeling better soon.

Lost in this Moment said...

Get better Anne and Halle!!!

Lambeth Family said...

Probably 1/2 to a 1/4 a teaspoon. Hope she's getting better.