So all these babies have started to make their appearance into the world in the past month or so!! My friend Jenn's little bro, Jordan and his wife Emilee had theirs right before fathers day, they had a little girl named Mylee, she is so cute and tiny she was 6 lbs and 11 oz.
And then this past weekend I think the 22nd or 23rd, my friend Mandee had her baby boy named Elijah, she had to have a c section after being induced, she was 4 days overdue, and I would of expected him to be bigger but he weighed the same has Mylee at 6 lbs 11 oz.
Also another friend done the line had her little boy on the 16th. But the frustrating thing about all these babies coming is that the ONE baby I want to come is all comfy in his mama's belly and is just hanging out. My sister in law Mindy is almost 39 weeks and is due next friday but I really want him out ASAP because I start my new job at IHC on monday (More about that later) and I am a selfish aunt and want to at least be there when she has him!! She goes in tomorrow to get checked so I am crossing my fingers!!!
All these babies are making me a little baby hungry again!! (yes Tara, you heard me right!!) But I want to lose weight before I even think about it again!! It was kinda freaky though cause Kev and I both had a dream last night that we had twins! SCARY!!
Ok about the job, those of you who know me well know that I have been home with my Halle bug for the last three months after the research company I worked for closed. I have been looking around and wanted s good fit, I love research and I didn't want to get into a job with weird hours or too much of a workload. I interviewed at IHC about 2 weeks ago and I GOT IT!! I actually had gotten another offer also from another place that I really wasn't excited about, so when the offer came in I was jumpin outta my pants!! It's a great position and great benefits and pay so I start Mondayfor orientation then go to LDS Hospital on Tuesday to start. I had a second interview with the girls that I would be working with and we got along so well it made me wnat the job even more. But it is a good week to start causr I have a short work week due to the fourth of July!! A littl epity me story though. I had to go in and do all my employment paperwork today and I had to pee in a cup, get blood drawn, get a tetnus shot, and a TB injection, all in one arm!!
So I am super sad and excited at the smae time, I have loved so much being home with Halle everyday, she is such a ball of energy and she makes me laugh all day long. It's going to be an emotional day on monday :( But hopefully Kevin gets his Hydrogen Cell business up and going and I can stay home in the near future again. I love working but I am just dreading monday!!
Also I just had to post this picture of Conner that Tara sent me a little while ago. I laugh everytime I look at it!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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