Monday, May 4, 2009

hApPY BirThDAy, SiCK, sIcK, MovInG aGAin, & pOpTaRT iS a BuLLy!!!!

I have really slacked on updating but I feel like I haven't had two seconds!! (I am sure I have tons of time, but I am lazy!!)
My Birthday was on the 29th and I turned 26!! My goodness I am getting up there. I had a good day overall, I had to work but my sweet coworkers took me to lunch to Hires (YUMMY!!) and then I went and renewed my drivers license (P.S. I almost didn't pass the eye test, apparantly I need to go to the eye doctor) I got some gift certificates including one to the spa (thanks Kev).
The day after my birthday my poor little sweet sweet got a fever and cold, so of course I brought her into the doctor and she was fine, but the doctor was very impressed with her and said that she super advanced for her age language wise and that I have one smart cookie on my hands!! (of course every mother thinks their child is smart but when the doctor says it you feel like you were just given a million bucks!!) So of course I caught the cold also and spent friday in bed sleeping and coughing, but by saturday I was feeling great, (also my best friend Jenn came over thursday to watch a movie with me and poor girl had to put up with my bad mood, love you!!)
K so I know I am crazy but I am moving AGAIN!! But it's just across the freeway and its a three bedroom and so much more space and storage then my two bedroom!! I move May 23rd. It's going to be a lot to work but I am so for it, (I guess I don't have to do a whole lot but I am so excited to organize!! YAY FOR NESTING!!
Also I think that poptart is trying to kick her way out but my ribs seem to be getting in her way, but don't you worry she works on them for most of the day and almost all night. Also for good measure she makes sure to kick my bladder a couple times a night just so I don't forget that I need to pee, what a caring child.
Well I am at 33 weeks so I am so close and lets say that I don't remember actually wanting to run over people with my car and just walking up to people in target and just punching them in the face just cause they are breathing wrong or have the most annoying voice on the planet. But I seem to be on quite the warpath, it usually is directed to perfect strangers but also seems to be reaching out to family, and coworkers. So I just want to put out an alert to all that I know and love (and even to the perfectly nice Old Navy Cashiers, and chick fil a drive thru people) to not take it personally and probably if you hear me coming (which you probably can, (think jurassic park with the water cup) I would try to avoid me and if thats not possible just shower me with how beautiful I look and that you can't believe I am eight months pregnant. If for some reason you don't remember this than I apologize ahead of hand.


The Brady Bunch said...

You are so funny! I can't believe you're already 8 months along. You should post some preggo pictures!!!

Jaime Stephens said...

Wow I can't believe your almost there either how exciting!! Hope you are all feeling better and good luck with the move