Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little Scary....

I wanted to update everyone on what has been going on, It has been a very hard week and I really appreciate everyone and their prayers and support. On Saturday Halle and I woke up and I went about my business getting us breakfast and taking the pooch out. Halle had a hay day with her breakfast so I put her in the bath and while she was in the bath I went potty (of course being prego any sound of water makes you want to pee your pants) so I looked down and I noticed (sorry kinda gross) a bunch of blood on my undies. So I hurry and called the on call dr and she told me to get to the ER right then. So I called Kevin and yanked Halle out of the bath and got her dressed while I was waiting for him to get there. I called my mom and told her to meet us at the ER so she could get Halle. I got there and they got me hooked up to an IV and heart monitor, my pulse was really high (shocking I knowDUH) and i was in a lot of pain so they gave me morphine and did an exam, the bleeding had stopped but I was still cramoing/contracting and so they got me to go get an ultrasound and found out that the baby is ok (Phew) but her amniotic fluid was low. We stayed in the ER while the Doctor came to talk to us about what could happen and all I remember is he just kept saying miscarriage and I was scared to death. After drugging me up (GO MORPHINE) they sent me home to rest and to contact the doctor on monday. So I spent most of sunday in bed sleeping and crying, and praying that poptart would be ok. I got two blessings and I really feel that made me calmer and able to deal with whatever was going to happen. After talking to my doctor on monday he put me on complete bedrest. I called tuesday cause I wanted to go get an ultrasound to make sure that she was ok. So we went in and she was great and my amniotic fluid seems to be replenishing and I am still contracting/cramping but everything seems to be doing better, i am off complete bedrest and I am supposed to be taking it easy so we'll see!! But as for right now things are looking up and I hope they continue to do so!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's a...........................

Yay I am so excited to have another princess!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My life, I love her so so much

I am in love... so in love with my little girl. I can not believe how much she can cheer me up when I am having a bad day or if I am frustrated she knows exactly what to do to make me laugh.
I love her dance moves, She knows how to shake her booty!!
I love her laugh!
I love her fake falls to make me laugh!
I love that she says thank you when she gives stuff to me.
I love her sign language for "Please" I don't know where she came up with it but it's hilarious!
I love that she likes to throw EVERYTHING in the bath, a little frustrating but really funny too!!
I love when she picks up my phone and puts it up to her ear and says "Hello, Hi!"
I love how much she loves her grandma's and grandpa's and how ahe lights up when she sees them.
I love her special smile! Yes she is going to need braces but it is too cute right now.
I love the way she lifts up my shirt to poke my belly and says "Shhh Baby"
I could go on and on and on, I am so beyond blessed and I have to admit that I am nervous for poptart to come out because I can't imagine having more love to give. Or loving another child as much as I love her.
I love you bug, you are my life, you are heart, you are my world. Thank you for making me feel like a great mommy. As much as I can't wait for you to grow and learn I could freeeze you right now and keep you this age forever.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spunky, Messy, Crazy Girl!!!

I know, I know it's been a while since I actually posted anything besides pictures! Of course work, and life have been too busy. I am moved in to my new apartment! YAY!!!! I love it, I love being on the bottom floor and not running up and down stairs all day :) Halle has adjusted really really well to the move, I think she likes that she can follow me wherever and go to her room and play whenever. She is such a great helper lately, She loves to help clean, especially the floor and help with the laundry. It has been so awesome to have her help and she totally understands what I am asking her to do. I will ask her to go put something away in her room and she will run right over and do it. So flippin cute. She got so many toys for christmas and she definitly spends her day making sure that all her toys are in the living room by the end of the day.
Little poptart is growing and growing and putting a nice belly on the front of me! Poptart is difficult and doesn't like us to try and find its heartbeat so needless to say I have had a lot of ultrasounds with this pregnancy and everything is always fine. It's a little nerve wracking everytime but a huge relief to see it on the screen. I am almost 16 weeks and time does seem to be flying.
Halle has gotten excellent at feeding herself, I know it sounds weird cause she is almost two, but she has always had a hard time with the actually chewing and swallowing. We would give her food and we thought she was eating it but then you would look in her mouth and it was all in her cheeks or she would start choking. Weird little squish, well she finally figured out the concept, and while she will use a spoon she prefers to use her hands, it is a lot faster to shovel the food in! Her favorite right now is beefaroni, big noodles and easy to grab handfuls of!
We have kinda backed off on potty training but there are still times where she asks to go pee pee and so I'll put her on the potty and sometimes she'll go sometimes not. I am still coming to terms with her being a big girl and how much she is understanding and can do now! I am really going to try to keep this updated cause I really want to make this into a blog book for my little squishs!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas 2008