Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So I know I have said a million times how fast my little girl is growing but I swear it's getting faster!! Not only is she crawling like a maniac but she has 6 teeth that have broken through and 2 molars getting ready to do the same!! She is going to have a full grill in no time!! She also is almost pulling herself up on things. She has already done it once when I wasn't looking, I was filling up the bathtub like I do everynight and while it fills up I get her pj's ready and her bottle and anything else, Halle loves watching it fill up, if she hears the bathtub she crawls like a mad baby to her bathroom, well kev and I were getting stuff ready and I looked in there and she was standing up by the tub!!I was shocked!! So I put her back down and she wouldn't do it agian but at least I know she can now!!

I am going to post a couple pics of Halle with her step and go. We got this step and go for her baby shower and we just put it in storage thinkin that it would be forever before she could use it! Well I guess it's been forever cause she is ready to use it!!! So Kevin put it together last night and I took some pics. (PS don't mind her hair I had just taken it out of her pigtails).
Have a good evening!!


Lane Family said...

Holy cow, she is getting so big!!! She is like a little girl and not a baby anymore. How are things?? Hopefully good!! I know that we always say this, but we need to get together and play!!

*DeMeLo HaPpEnInGs* said...

Isnt that crazy how fast they grow. Just week you will turn around and she will be walking! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne!! Its your cousin Tessa. i cant believe how fast Halle is growing! These pics are adorable!! I cant wait to see you guys. Were coming up for Whitney's wedding on May 1st. I hope we can get together! love you...