Wednesday, October 3, 2007

So last night we went to dinner with almost the wholeside of my family cause my aunt is in town and we are all getting to gether cause my grandma passed away three years ago today. So we all get together and celebrate her life with us. She was such and amazing women and I wish she was still alive to enjoy her great granddaughter.
It was really fun to be around my family and see how much everyone has grown! Halle was a big hit, I had got her a new outfit and she looked so cute! I'll have to post a picture of her in it! She could be a little model baby! Man we're good at makin cute ones!
Speakin of babies I can't believe how many new babies have come in the last month! My best friends, a coworkers, and my sister in laws ( I'll put pics up of them all!) It's just the most amazing thing seeing all these new babies! and esecially now cause Halle looks huge compared! It makes me realize how much I need to really enjoy her growing up!

My Best Friend Tara's little boy Carson

Hailee, My coworkers baby.

She is a month old

This is Takeo, My sister in laws baby!