So I am sitting here at work and everyone is asking me how my weekend was, and I don't even know where to start, I feel like our lives have gone from 5mph to 95mph in a millisecond! I am so excited about the shop opening on October 1st, it has been the biggest blessing to have all the puzzle pieces fall into place! Kevin has been working his cute little booty off to get things done, which means early mornings, late nights, and long days. Halle and I go down and visit and help the best we can but having 15 month old running around a huge shop with lots of dangerous things she could get a hold of is quite the adventure!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fun/Busy/Crazy Weekend
Posted by The Carter's at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What a Week!!!!
Our new little niece Kendall! What a sweetie pants!
So we (and when I say we I usually am just taking credit for my husband) had a pretty crazy weekend and the craziness has definitly followed us right into the week! We went up to see our new little niece Kendall on Friday and brought dinner up and hung out with Cari and Aaron and Keyle and Scott for a little while, we gave Halle a little baby doll to play with(which if you know me is a big step for me cause dolls freak me out) and snuggle so she didn't have to attack Kendall, well she decided that she liked the baby doll more as a chew toy then anything else! If I went "Oh cute baby" she would hug it and then chuck it across the seat! Needless to say maybe we should hold off on another baby until we are sure that Halle won't use it as a teether or a play toy!!
Yum baby face!!!
On Saturday we went to our nephew's football game, it was a lot of fun and Halle loved running around and playing, she was in her jersey and looked too cute for words! Grandpa Mike decided to stick Halle up in a tree and she loved it, she kept wanting Kevin to put her back up there!
I trapped her!! Love pack n plays!!
Halle deciding that it is better to ride facing forward. Dork
On Sunday Halle and I got a lot of errands done and played a lot! It is just so nice to have time with her on the weekends!!
Little Miss thing thinks she got to get up and play at 9 at night! LOVE THE BEDHEAD!!
So this week Kevin has been getting ready to move into his shop, it is in Draper and it is AWESOME!! He finally moved in yesterday afternoon and I am so proud of him. For those of you who don't know Kevin and his partner Sean are opening a business called Hydrogen Hybrid, they make and distribute hydrogen cells in vehicles(hydrogen is an alternate form of gas and improves your gas mileage up to 50% or more. Kevin started with this idea and plans about 6 months ago and now he has his own shop and lots of plans! We are so excited to open his business and get this going!
Halle and I went there last night and she LOVED running around in all that space, she wore herself completely out! I am glad she likes it cause that, I am sure, will be our 2nd home.
If anybody is interested in getting a Hydrogen Cell in their vehicle of any kind call my husband Kevin at 801 910 2940. He can go over price and explain better than I can what it is!
Well I will post pics of the shop when I get my camera back from Kevin, it is very very very nice and we will be doing lots of redecorating and designing so I will post the progress as we get it done! YAY!!
Have a great Thursday!
Posted by The Carter's at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Looking back...
Just taking a minute and thinking back at about a year ago, looking at how small my squishy is and I am so amazed how big she has gotten! Enjoy!
Posted by The Carter's at 9:21 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
You know....
I was sitting here thinking about how lucky I am to have the great family I have and that I am so blessed everyday to have my husband and daughter in my life. I feel like I get so caught up in work and trying to keep things in order that I rarely sit down and look at all I have and all that I am grateful for. -I have an amazing husband who is doing all he can to make Halle and I so happy, he sacrifices so much for us and I want to thank him so so much for his love and hardwork. He has given me a beautiful daughter and he is really the most amazing dad. He could play with her for hours and never get tired of it. He loves to hear her laugh and loves her kisses. I have a husband that is my life and my best friend. I love him too much for words. -My Halle bug is truly a gift from heaven, I may complain about her tantrums and her craziness but I have a child that is beyond healthy and so so SMART!! Our daughter is hilarious and she knows how to put on a show and make us laugh like crazy. I can't even express the love I feel when I walk in the door after work and she comes running for me saying "ma ma ma ma" with her hands up. The feeling of being wanted and loved that much is so amazing, it erases all my stress and anxiety from my day, and my life to just look into those big blue eyes. What a blessing it is to go get her in the middle of the night and see how happy and relived she is to have her mommy and daddy come get her from a bad dream or to feed her when she's hungry. To have someone so dependant on you is a overwhelming feeling but beyond rewarding when you are able to provide love and comfort for this little blessing that we created. I love this little girl with all my heart and beyond. I don't know what I did to deserve her but I will be working the rest of my life to make sure that she knows how much she is loved by her mama and dada. -My parents are truly the best prople through and through. I know I can count on them through everything. They have put up with so much crap from me and continue to love me and support me no matter what. They are truly an example of a wonderful, spiritual, marriage and they have made me the mom and wife I am today. My dad has given me the gift of humor and to laugh things off and not take things to seriously. You gotta take life one day at a time and as a gift given to us. My mom is the picture of selflessness. She raised us three kids with so much love and compassion, and I can truly say that my mom is my best friend. They are amazing grandparents and Halle is so lucky to have them in her life. I love you mom and dad so much. -MaryAnn and Mike, they are my second parents that I have always been able to count on through thick and thin, They are very dedicated to their spirituality and beliefs and it's amazing to see their good spirits. I love you guys so much and thank you for being the great example you are to Kev and me and especially for being great grandparents. Halle loves you so much! And do do we!! -My family! WOW where do I start, too many and not enough time! I love everyone of you and I love having sisters and brothers!! Sorry about my gushiness!! Love everyone TOO much!
Posted by The Carter's at 8:30 AM 1 comments