I really need to get back on this blog. So much is happening and I really need to keep up and write down all this stuff!! My baby Halle is now a big 3 year old, she had a great party and got a ton of cute presents! From mommy and daddy she got a princess bike. She hasnt figured out the whole peddling thing but we are working with her, Halle also went to summer preschool camp for two weeks and rocked it. She is shy but so well behaved and a smart lil cookie. She starts preschool in August at the Newcastle School and she is so excited to go back. Kammer Kam is our little bundle of energy, she is the energizer bunny. She never stops, except to sleep or eat and then she is back on the run. She is a fast little crawler and loves to climb on everything. She has had a couple of falls but she gets right back up and tries again. This summer has been so fun!! I love being a stay at home mama. I love planning things to do and getting out of the house. We have done a lot of swimming, shopping, zoos, petting zoos, pony rides, nature walks, parks, playdates, etc etc....... I am trying to get organized and decluttered so I have been using the website www.flylady.com and its amazing. It really is helping me get control of the craziness and clutter and has helped me plan things out and get organized. I am a better mommy and can focus on the most important things in my life....MY FAMILY!!\ Well I just wanted to do a quick update to get going again and im going to try my hardest to keep this updated!! loves!!!!XOXOXOXOXOXO
Slow Start
1 week ago