Friday, July 10, 2009

a LiTTle LaTe... mY MuSh iS 2!!!

My little wild one turned 2 on June 4th, I can not believe that she is a little girl now, my baby is growing up and there is no stopping her.


You are my angel,a mamas girl, you are a girly girl through and through. You love being mommy's sidekick and do whatever she is doing. You love you dresses and playing with daddy. You are a social butterfly and will do anything for a laugh. Your love for Dora is a little obsessive but so cute nonetheless. You love to dance and spin. Kamryn is so lucky to have you as a big sister, I know you will teach her all you know and love her so much. You are very good at giving loves to Kam, sometimes a little too good and we end up having a Kam pancake.

My Bug

My Angel

My Mushy Mush

You are my life and my world, keep dancing and loving

Love you



The Brady Bunch said...

That's so sweet...seriously I'm teary right now.