My little Kam Kam is ONE!! I dont know when this happened! I swear I was just in the hospital trying to hold her in and hoping that she would be ok if she came 8 weeks early... I remember the tears and how scared I was. That day will always, always be etched into my memories. As will the little cry she let out after she was out.
The first time seeing her hooked up to tubes and wires and so little and helpless was such hard time and an amazingly happy time all at once. Someone was watching over her and made her keep breathing and progressing. I know for a fact it was my grandma, she was holding on to her the until she was strong enough to come home with us. I see my grandma in her and I know without a doubt she is always with my girls and I.
Kammer Kam,
I love you to the moon, you are the most amazingly stubborn and strong headed little girl and that is the reason you are here today with us. I cant imagine life without you and your laugh, your big toothy smile, your quacks, and your constant torturing of your big sister. Your dad and I feel so lucky to have you and laugh everyday with the things you do and the faces you make.
I love you my Kamryn Jade.